Presentation of a publication

In this section academic publications on the Christian Orient are presented. A publication which should be presented here must comply with the common scientific and academic standard and dealing with a subject of the Christian Orient.

At the beginning the complete bibliographic notice is necessary. The presentation provide a summary of the content. The table of contents can be reproduced. The importance of the publication for the knowledge of the Oriental Christianity can be also mentioned. However, the presentation must not include the any critic. The presentation can be published in several languages.

The presentation must be signed with the correct full name of the author and his correct e-mail. Proposals for presentations can be sent for the blog to the following address There is no entitlement for a publication in the blog. A proposal of a presentation can be rejected without giving any reason.

Each author is alone fully responsible for his or her contributions. This is particularly applicable to the observance to the rights of third parties like the copy right.

Harald Suermann (